"Rediscovering my God-given desire and searching for the life I once dreamed of."

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Nuclear Fishin'

Wow! I never thought I'd see this. When I worked at Caribou Ranch, one of the most fun times I had was the "album naming" party after we finished recording the Ozark's album. I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard and long in my life!

Among the names I remember were "Nuclear Fishion" and "Rubber Tornado" . The picture that became the albim cover was on display for inspiration, and finally, someone looked at it and said. "Men from Earth!".

The thought behind this was that if aliens came from outer space and landed near these guys, of course, they would point and say, "Men from Earth". Ha!

Anyway, this picture was taken on the ranch as a representation of what "nuclear fishion" might look like. There was also another drawing that showed an atomic bomb crater with dead fish in it. (Don't tell PITA!) I thought I had the drawing, but at this point I can not find it. If I do, I will scan it and post it here.

Y'all Come Back Now, Ya Hear?

Nuclear Fishin'

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